Schedule Police Traffic / Security Detail

You have inquired about hiring The Flemington Police Department to provide traffic assistance or security. The following are the Terms and Conditions. *The rate of pay per officer is $86.00 an hour with a 4 hour minimum. *If the detail that you hired the department for is cancelled within less than 2 weeks of the date scheduled, you are responsible to pay the officer(s) who were set to work the detail at the 4 hour minimum. If the detail is cancelled with less than 12 hours notice, you are responsible to pay the officer(s) who were set to work the detail 50% of the hours scheduled or 4 hours whichever is greater. However if the cancellation is due to extreme inclement weather (hurricane, tropical storm or declared snow emergency) you will not be responsible for any payment.
Date of Detail:
Contact Person Email Address:
Contact Person Phone Number:
Contact Person:
Contractor Phone Number:
Contractor Address:
Contractor Name:
Type of Detail / Work to be completed:
Location of Detail:
Time Detail Starts:
Time Detail Ends:
Additional Notes:
I agree to the Terms and Conditions:
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